When the phone rang the other day, and I saw the area code for Boston, my heart skipped a beat. I was so afraid that it was a call saying they couldn't see us on August 1st. You see, most of my anxiety at the moment hinges around our impending trip, and my fear that we won't find the answers that Virginia so desperately needs. I also rationally know, that the odds of that are pretty slim. We are headed straight to the expert in the field, one of the best hospitals in the world, and all roads have led us here. It can just be pretty hard to live in rational land these days! But, the phone call was not about that at all. Little did I know the actual conversation I was about to have. It was our doctor's nurse. She wanted to give me protocol for Virginia regarding her immune health. They wanted her, and us, to start taking a high dose of Vitamin C, called Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. I had never heard of this, but it is the best vit...
Our sweet girl's journey to find answers, relief, and healing.