We are currently at WVU Children's Hospital for Virginia's fourth infusion of IVIG. I am sitting here looking out the window, watching it snow, and thinking about our Sweet Virginia. She is just the most amazing kid. If you know her, again, she will always tell you she is good or great. Even at home, she is a little more honest, but still puts on a brave face most days. We talk about her disease when she wants to, and I always tell her that it is okay to tell us exactly how she feels about it. She always tell us she knows that, and she loves us. For the first time today, she said, "Mom, why is life so unfair?" I said, "What do you mean sweet pea?" She proceeded to tell me that she just wonders sometimes why this happened to her, why she has to be in the hospital when all of her friends have a day off from school, and why do kids get sick anyway? Well, my Momma heart just about broke. I swallowed my te...
Our sweet girl's journey to find answers, relief, and healing.