We just don't have enough words to describe how proud we are of our Sweet Virginia. A few hospital stays ago, Virginia was in need of a clean pair of pajamas. We were not expecting to stay as long as we had to, and I had not packed enough clean pajamas for her. Our nurse was kind enough to bring a pair to Virginia, but just happened to mention that they were running low. On the way home, Virginia said, "Mom, we need to have a pajama drive or something to give pajamas back to the hospital." We were able to collect about 20 pairs of pajamas through her school to bring with us for her November infusion. She was so proud to hand over the pajamas, and I was crying happy tears! I have a tendency to do that, and now Virginia looks and me in these situations and says, "Mom, no crying in public!" I tell her, I cry because the kindness is so amazing and warms my heart so much, I can't help it! After we came home in November our local Chamb...
Our sweet girl's journey to find answers, relief, and healing.